
“Why I Give a Boatload of Money to Adoption” part 5 (by me)


My boat is kind of tiny when it comes to money, but I have learned something over the past few years about adoption and giving.

My drop in the bucket counts. It really counts.


Countless times I have given $10, $50, even a few hundred dollars to adoptions. I’ve donated services. I’ve given artwork for auctions. It may seem pointless to some when thousands are needed.

What good could my measly $25 be when a family is trying to raise $25,000?

Two years ago, I helped raise funds for an adoption, and I payed attention. I counted every dollar and did the math. You can read the full story HERE.

I was curious.

And this is what I found:

182 donations were received (total being raised was $14,500)

91 people gave under $30

38 people gave $31-$60

2 people gave $61-$99

42 people gave $100-$200

5 people gave $201-$500

4 people gave $501-$1000

1 person gave over $1000

(The average donation was $80.)

My $25 does matter! It really does. Yes, the big gifts are amazing. I’ve been on the receiving side of those gifts. They build faith and give hope that there will be an end in sight.

But the little gifts count too.

I give for many of the reasons my guest bloggers have already shared this week. (No need for me to re-state what has already been shared so eloquently.)

There is JOY in giving. Every time I give, regardless of the amount. There is JOY!

As I close this series, it is my heart’s deepest desire that you will be provoked to give, that the body of Christ will be provoked to give.

Give where it counts. Give where the return on your investment is so astronomical that it cannot be counted.

6 thoughts on ““Why I Give a Boatload of Money to Adoption” part 5 (by me)

  1. So true. And any giving is just so encouraging… just this week one of my old students- now a fifth grader emailed me to tell me he’s sending us his tithe- $7. I cried. I love it. We feel so loved by the giving, (and when we give) no matter the amount 🙂

  2. AMEN!!!!! It is true!!! EVERY BIT COUNTS!!! It does because GOD has BLESSED it and ordained it for a purpose!! I love this post! Thank you Tracie!

    SAME HERE! God has asked us to give even when we ourselves were in the midst of adopting Michael……..a larger amount. It made NO SENSE whatsoever…….except God was asking us to give sacrificially……and you know what- we had raised exactly enough money through our fundraiser to pay for the flights to pick up our son! And the rest was paid for! Now if that isn’t GOD confirming that HE wanted us to give sacrificially….and not worry about our own needs…..I don’t know what is!

    PRAISE GOD!!!!

  3. I wish I could share this on facebook!! It is really encouraging for those who are not able to give very much!! And also encouraging for those of us who are fundraising!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hmmm, do I not have a Facebook Share link? I’ll have to work on that. YOu can always cut and past the URL to facebook too.

  5. Reblogged this on Hurst Adoption – Here We Grow Again and commented:
    Although I do not ask people for money directly … I have felt awkward when people give it to me for put adoption and I always want to cry because I am do humbled. It was hard enough to make the decision to fundraise and know that some people would think why not be happy with the one child we were blessed through adoption. I have nothing but positive people eager and supportive thankfully. There is not a lot of funding or grants for domestic Caucasian adoptions out there and when the tax credit was in jeopardy I decided I would raise the money because it was in my heart to proceed regardless. Traci is such a talented spiritual consultant and blogger that gives and wanted to share her perspective.

  6. I am a new reader and soon to be first time adoptive parents. I also have a hard time asking for money. Our families have been all over the spectrum in their support but very very little has been given monetarily. There have been some terrible things said to us regarding our adoption from my mother in law and a couple of my sister in laws including one who works in the is foster care/adoption system in the US. We are struggling financially…and we will be traveling soon. Id be happy to make enough to cover our hotel cost while in China and at this point its not happening. We are signed up with Village to Village International, the Scheidegger Family, if anyone feels the need to contribute to our fund.

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